Sunday, February 25, 2007

With Friends Like These... Rice's Obama comments

From an AP article:

''I think he's very appealing and a great person. He's on my committee. And we've always had good exchanges. I think he's an extraordinary person,'' [Secretary Condoleezza Rice] said. Rice declined to say whether she thought he had enough experience, especially in foreign policy, to be president. ''Oh, I'm not going to make that choice. The American people are going to make that choice,'' she said.

Kind of interesting that she commends him based on his work in the committee. Such as that outlined in the profile article in the last Rolling Stone, perhaps?

Listening to a bloviating colleague at his first meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama slipped a three-word note to a member of his staff: "Shoot. Me. Now."

I'm not sure that an "endorsement" of this - or any other - type from Secretary Rice is a positive, based on the results she's [not] delivered during her tenure. Especially for a candidate with such limited foreign policy experience!

PS Interesting to note that both Senators Biden and Obama voted to endorse Secretary Rice in the Foreign Relations committee hearings before her nomination. Senators John Kerry and Barbara Boxer voted against!

A personal plea for intelligent leadership

I've started this blog to accompany a website devoted to the campaign to bring Senator Kerry back into the 2008 presidential campaign as a candidate. I'm doing this because I'm unhappy with the other available options - and I believe many others are as well. (For more see website)

In the same way that I'm not a professional campaign employee or volunteer, I'm also not a professional, full time blogger either.

Also, I want to be clear that this is a moderated blog - any comments that are germane, civil and intelligent will be posted. But abusive comments will not be...

Please join me in discussing how we can bring Senator Kerry back into the race - for our sake and for the country!